A major platform for development in our mind is to provide better access and connection for these people with the internet and all it offers. So we have provided resources, computers and a paid for internet connection and will be continuing in investing in online education. Luckily with BQu one of our corporate sponsor being in Sri Lanka we can offer these institutions with ongoing technical support to ensure any investment remains of value.
We hope to build on this substantially in 2016 as we have now money we have raised, a team to support online education and a network of institutions through which to access people that can benefit directly from donations.
One initiative we will be testing in 2016 is the creation of high productivity personal vegetable gardens to help provide good nutrition to poor people and cut their food costs.
The other is to open an internet access point in a parish North of Colombo to see if the provision of this facility to the local population would enable them to improve their life chances.